Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Mother's Day

My Mother's Day flowers. 

Happy Belated Mother's Day! JJ's parents have flown up to join us for Mother's Day (plus a few more days). We weren't completely certain they would get here, as Saturday night we had blizzard-like conditions with blowing snow and poor visibility.  Luckily though, the weather cleared by Sunday morning.  The flight landed on time, yay!

It was a rush to get everyone home from the airport, fed, and then out to Sylvia Grinnell Park for the kids' cross-country skiing lesson at 2pm. (Remember--both flights that arrive here from Ottawa land at 12:30ish.) With waiting for luggage, BBQing hotdogs, and getting the kids to the park in time to get gear on, it was slightly tight.  Not to fear though--the kids put on their long underwear while JJ made hotdogs and I set the table. Everyone ate in a rush, jumped in the car, raced out to Sylvia Grinnell Park.......then quickly discovered that the park entrance was snowed-in due to last night's weather. In fact, there was a jeep already stuck in the deep snow.  JJ, his Dad (NJ), Captain Jack and Coraline all jumped out to help push/shovel it out. 

Much to the kids' disappointment, we managed to get the car turned around and drive back home (no skiing! Boo!).  When I checked my email, I discovered that skiing had been cancelled due to the poor driving conditions (the email had been sent out at 9:30am, but I had neglected to check...Oooops.) 

JJ and his Dad enjoying the fire (yes, even though it is
May we had a fire burning).

Buffer-bots enjoying the day.

So JJ's parents have already had the chance to experience the unpredictability of northern life. 

Since it is Mother's Day, JJ made dinner for me and his mom (who is also JJ, so we'll just call her Marie). He decided to barbecue again, this time steak.  Barbecuing here is always a bit of an adventure.  If the wind is too high, it becomes difficult to actually light the BBQ. It took a lot of effort (and NJ blocking the wind so JJ could work the lighter), but JJ cooked up terrific steak and grilled veggies. YUM!

Don't let the lack of parka fool you. It was COLD.
When he wasn't flipping meat, JJ ran inside to warm up.

Grillin' veggies.

While JJ prepared dinner, Coraline and Captain Jack played with their friends outside. 

Captain Jack trying to track down some
friends to play road hockey with.
If you can see them, this is Coraline and her friend Lilith playing on
the lake ice outside in the backyard.
Mother's Day steak. You probably can't tell,
but the glass dish is frost-covered from being
And veggies!

After dinner it was time for Mother's Day pressies. The kids had made cards and picked out gifts.  I received flowers from JJ (the pic is at the top of the post). Yes, we can get flowers from this awesome place in town called Baffin Flowers. They are expensive, but you can get them. And when your wife is starting to gripe about the snow that has been on the ground for EIGHT MONTHS, dropping too much money on flowers is a perfect thing to do for Mother's Day.

This store is amazing.

Baffin Flowers, sometimes called "Baffin Flowers and Gifts", depending on who you are talking to or where you are looking online, is this crazy store filled with a hodgepodge of "stuff".  Back just before Toonik Tyme started JJ's coworkers warned him to make sure everyone in the family had sunglasses.  Everyone heads outdoors for Toonik Tyme activities, and every year there are multiple cases of snow-blindness in the emergency department. The very same day JJ shared this with me, Captain Jack Sparrow came home at lunch time telling me all of his friends had sunglasses. (Of course "EVERYONE" had them, and he was the poor kid left out. Cue the sad music.)  Captain Jack's pathetic "but everyone else has them" aside, it really was a good idea for both he and Coraline to have a pair of sunglasses. They spend a lot of time playing outside (plus being snow-blind would cause no end of drama).

JJ and I both brainstormed about where we might find sunglasses in town. Arctic Survival Store--sure, but we didn't want to pay a lot of money for kids' sunglasses that would likely get broken or lost. Maybe Northmart? Arctic Ventures? I called both places, but they were closed for lunch. (Remember? Everything here closes for lunch.)  Then it came to me: Baffin Flowers. JJ was confused when I suggested it, but then, he had never been inside Baffin Flowers.  The place is amazing.  You can find weird children's clothing direct from China (wrapped in plastic), tea sets, stuffed animals, cheap makeup, plastic jewelry, Royal Dalton figurines, faux fur hats, socks, doilies, souvenirs, etc. Oh, and there is a little back room with barely room for a large fridge that has, of course, flowers. I called, and sure enough, they had sunglasses.  Captain Jack and I hopped into the car once he had finished his lunch, and voila!  Snow-blindness prevented.  The sunglasses cost $15 (they were Dollar Store quality, but what can you do).  

Inside the door of Baffin Flowers.

"Mommy, this store has crazy-weird stuff!"

To get back to Mother's Day--

Sideboard with homemade cards and presents.

The kids put a lot of time into making homemade presents for me and Marie.  I think its hilarious that both of them, without talking to each other, warned her about how cold it is up here.

Card from Captain Jack to Marie

"I miss you Grandma, you are so kind and thank you for
letting us in the pool. Also, I can't wait until you come to Iqaluit.
It is really snowy up here so bring warm stuff."

From Coraline to Grandma (Marie).
"But you'll get used to it."  Bah ha ha ha ha!

JJ's gift to me.  They are tiny inuksuk earrings made from ivory. (Ivory is ethical
when an Inuit hunter is making use of every part of the walrus he hunted.) JJ
also got a pair for his Mom made with baleen (whale teeth that filter krill).
A woman who works in the office at the hospital is married to a hunter
who makes these.

Also, we got fan mail!  In fact, fan presents! Candy! How exciting!

Isn't that amazing? I am so feeling the love. Warm fuzzies!

The kids also got gifts from Grandma and Granddad.
It's OK.  I can share my day.

That's Grandma (Marie) in the background behind Coraline.

I have to say though, that my favourite gift of the day was the cake JJ made for me and his Mom. He baked it this morning, then let it cool before frosting. He decided, for the first time ever, to write on a cake. He opened the icing tube and went to town.  Then he realized it was way more difficult than he thought it would be.  And he realized he wouldn't have room to finish what he wanted the cake to say. 

He was going for something like this:


Instead, I got this:

Nailed it!

In short, best Mother's Day ever. (Later that night we both laughed until our sides hurt at that cake. I had to wipe away tears. It looks like he gave up after the first 'P', but had no choice but to keep going.) Up next: whatever happens over the next few days. Hopefully, it will be a post about how spring has finally reached Baffin Island. Fingers crossed.....


  1. Oooooh, I love your ivory earrings. Good job J.J.! Also the writing on the cake made me giggle out loud. Again, good job! Goes to show no matter where you are you can pull off a superb Mother's Day.
    A big "hello" to Grandad and Gramma J. Enjoy your week!

  2. Oh my, i thought the first cake was his and was so impressed. I’m laughing so hard jj.

    1. Right? I am STILL laughing about the cake and it was 2 days ago now..... I mean, "Happy Mom"? Bah ha ha ha ha

  3. Really glad you all had such a great Mother's Day. Hello to the other JJ and NJ, we'll have to get together after your return home. Stay warm everyone. Love to all Grampy

    1. I will pass along your message to JJ's parents 🙂. Hope you guys had a good visit with Julie and Mark!
