Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Quick update for readers

This next post was supposed to be all about Halloween.  Pictures of the kids dressed up, stories about the trick or treats in the snow and cold.  Unfortunately, things don't always work out the way we plan.  On Monday we were warned about possible high winds happening on Tuesday, the 31st.  Many people speculated as to what this might mean, and wondered if Halloween would be postponed (I had never heard of a holiday being postponed before).  Tuesday dawned windy and snowy, but schools opened as per usual.  Despite Captain Jack being home sick, life went on.  Then schools were cancelled for the afternoon, and winds reached 99km/hr.

Mid-afternoon on Tuesday we found out that Halloween would be postponed until the next day, Wednesday, November 1st.  Both Coraline and Captain Jack were extremely disappointed.  They missed Halloween parties at school, but were consoled with the knowledge that the next day there would be candy and treats.

While the weather IS better today, the winds have not subsided to a safe level.  JJ tried to shovel outside, and got blown back inside.  Some main roads have been cleared but many have not. School was initially cancelled for the morning, but at 11:30 was cancelled for the afternoon again as well.  The kids, despite being in front of the TV watching a movie, are extremely disappointed.  Will there be trick or treating tonight?  We don't know yet.  

At 9am JJ went out again to attempt to shovel the driveway.  He gave up after 5 minutes in the gusting wind.  For our blog readers, I just sent him outside so I could try to capture the weather.  He could barely keep his eyes open, and was going to kill his wife for making him stand there on the deck long enough to get this short clip:

Up next: I hope you can read about our belated Halloween.  Wish us all (especially the kids) luck.  Let's hope the wind dies down enough that younger children can safely walk outside!

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