Tuesday, August 15, 2017


I will do a post on our new home once our things arrive.  Right now we are living out of suitcases.  Because everything is being shipped up Air Cargo it could take anywhere from, well, now, until 7 weeks from now, for our things to arrive.  For now you will all need to settle for info about our neighborhood.

Iqaluit is different in that no one pays attention to street names.  Many streets are not even marked with signs of any kind.  Instead, your address is simply your house number.  If you call a taxi to come and pick you up, you just say "Can I please get a cab to 4066?"  The first time I was here we stayed in apartment building 1104B. So when people asked where we were staying we said "1104B".  To add to confusion, the houses are not even numbered sequentially.  You may have a bunch of houses on one street from 1460 to 1482, but 1483 is two streets over. (I'm not sure if they are numbered as they built or what the reasoning is.)

So, our local address is 4066, Iqaluit, NU.  (This is not our mailing address.  Our address used to be "General Delivery", but we have upgraded to a PO Box. That story deserves its own post.) Our house is off the Road to Nowhere, so our neighbourhood is simply called "Road to Nowhere".  Other neighbourhoods include "The Plateau" and "Tundra Valley".

Our house.  Yes, those are Christmas lights still up.
Everyone seems to just leave them up all year.

Its a relatively nice, quiet neighbourhood.  There is a park down the street for the kids to play in.

Coraline with a new friend at the park
(note the little white stray dog behind them).

Free-range children.
Our backyard is spectacular.  There is a large slope leading away from the house, then a pond.  Then the ground curves back up again to a big hill the kids have dubbed "the mountain". 

"The Pond" and "The Mountain".  Our backyard.

Those dots on top are JJ and the kids
(as seen from the back deck with camera on "zoom").

Up next: houses on stilts and what to do about all that sun!  (For anyone who is wondering Buffy's eye is doing much better.  She is still wearing a "cone of shame", but only for two more days.)